Circles & Craft
In bringing together spiritual practices and prayers with crafting jewelry and objects from natural materials, we create our own medicine by getting in touch with our sacred creativity – this energy that wants to express and manifest itself into being through our existence. By sharing and witnessing the process of each other, we connect not only with our own nature but remember our connection to life and all our relations, and we can integrate our transformation naturally. The meetings take place in regular intervals over a certain period of time. Circles are transformative gatherings with sharing, individual and group processing, initiations and rituals, which can be focused on inner work alone or include crafts.
As a trained goldsmith and designer, I passionately contribute decades of collected skills and knowhow that I am more than happy to share. These circles represent the synthesis of my studies in creativity, embodiment and healing of the soul.
Women Weaving Circle
This group is for you if you seek sisterhood and feel called to the active prayer of weaving and craft. As a co-creative space, this circle invites each sister to share her gifts and medicine and to participate in creating a nurturing and healing atmosphere in connection. Together, we create a safe and loving space of mutual support and care. We share, laugh, wheep, grieve, dance and celebrate life together. As we weave our own medicine, we become our own medicine. Healing and empowering the feminine energies, this circle supports us in allowing ourselves to gradually feel more comfort and ease with who we are in all aspects of our being; making peace, sinking in, embodying this existence.
Medicine Wheel Journey
This group is for you if you are on your soul quest. Over the course of a year you will work through and process your personal challenges within the group. Being witnessed in our pain and grief is deeply healing and can support us in reconnecting not only with ourselves but with life itself.
Creative Integration Circle
After a life transition, a completed therapy or any other major change, challenge or growth experience, this group is for you to take some time to settle into the new reality you embody. Focusing in craft is connecting is with our body and helps us to find a calm and clear state of mind. You choose the craft that interests you most and create your own medicine object.
See my offerings below. Specific interests upon request. Please get in touch for further information.
Sacred Union

Unlike the other handicrafts, a wedding ring workshop can be conducted in one day and takes place in an intimate one-on-one (couple) sessions. With various rituals we attune ourselves to the love and trust on which this promise is based.
As a goldsmith with over 20 years of experience with these workshops, I respond sensitively and professionally to your personal wishes and needs and create an unforgettable and deep experience together with you.
Mochila Arhuaca Weaving

For women who are calling a child into their lives. The weaving of the Colombian mochila (bag) is a deep prayer traditionally reserved for women. The first mochila is always white, which represents innocence and new beginnings. The pouch itself represents the cosmic womb, the primal feminine principle, which is created through the needle as the masculine principle. We connect with the creative power and the feminine forces of the primal unity.
Jewelry made from beads and feathers

To integrate and complete a healing process. Based on the traditional glass bead work of indigenous tribes, we weave, thread and tie earrings, necklaces and bracelets from glass beads, gemstone beads and feathers. On request, metal parts like clasps or earrings can be crafted individually (silver or gold).
Feather Fan

To manifest a specific medicine/energy in life. Especially for people who work as healers or for your own spiritual practice, making your own feather fan offers the chance to come into deep contact with the power and medicine of the birds whose feathers are processed.
are coming together
the weaving begins.
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